Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Poem: The Day I Kicked a Bankroll out the Window

© 2009 Hachiko Yukimora

and I said, you can take your rich aunts and uncles
and grandfathers and fathers
and all their lousy oil
and seven lakes
and their wild turkey
and buffalo
and the whole state of Texas,
meaning, your crow-blasts
and your Saturday night boardwalks
and your 2-bit library
and your crooked councilmen
and your thoughts of damnation
and your one-sidedness

and, I said, you can take all your glorifications
and your 2-faced graciousness
and you can take your expensive dresses
and your private beach houses
and your expansive vacation homes by the lake and mountains
and you can take it all back with your private jets

With it you can take it with my visions
What I have seen of you and give me
Back my innocence

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